Wednesday, November 28, 2012

warm and cozy, diving back into winter

...but not before one beautifully ideal week in paradise.

It's currently 2AM, and I'm thinking about all the shit that has gone wrong.
I forgot that traveling can really suck sometimes.
But let's not talk about that yet.
I've gotta let it sink in until it's funny.

I'm so close to going home, so close to seeing my dad and hugging my brother and tackling my puppy and eating myself into a daze.
But that also means I have to leave Melbourne in summer, which could potentially be perfect... or unbearable.  Tomorrow's 38C ("that's a lot of Farenheit"), so I'm not sure I want to stick around for the end of December.  And while I prefer being cozy in the cold, I don't know if I can handle another season of winter.  Be kind, Durham.

On the bright side, I guess, here's to another season of roasty toasty steamy comforting food.
Noodles at some random noodle place near (not in) Chinatown - hunted down in the middle of the night after picking up a hungry Bernard at the train station.

Tom Yum at Coconut House, which is supposedly really good, but you might be able to tell that by the fact that there are two next door to each other.  Necessary?  I guess so..
Sarah mentioned it tasted like lemon scented soap (?) or something... I think I was too hungry to really notice.

Hot chocolate and curry sampler at Lentil As Anything where you can pay what you think the meal deserved.  It was okay, nothing special, but then again, I think we went to the wrong one because my roommate remembers a full on buffet.

Best hot jam doughnut at the stand next to Flinders, and I don't even like doughnuts.  I came out of it with streaks of jam on my shirt and foot.  I don't know how it happens.

Fingers crossed the Fiji travel gods will be a little bit kinder than the New Zealand ones.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh those noodles look AMAZING. I wish we had a better variety of places to get good noodles where I live.
