Saturday, May 30, 2015

life on a keychain

It all started with a dinner reservation at Nostrano.  That I was 30 minutes late to in my casual work clothes, looking as frumpy as possible in a nice restaurant.  We awkwardly entered in through the back, and I was hyper aware of the fact that I was in flip flops with an overstuffed backpack on my back.
The Chestnut Pici with rabbit confit, savoy cabbage, leeks, oyster mushrooms, and juniper was satisfying but didn't have much flavor beyond salty, and I was occasionally thrown off by a bite of cabbage that was too sour and didn't mesh well with the rest of the dish.  I guess I was expecting a strong chestnut flavor (making up for it now by downing much chestnut coffee).  I did like the crunchy bits that coated the noodles though.
After agreeing our waitress was a bit cold and that the $11 desserts on the menus that were forced upon us were ridiculous, we decided to bounce over to Cooper's.  My Guinness chocolate cake was a dry, but I couldn't bear to let them throw it away even after I tore it apart and mashed it up.  So I boxed it up and ate it with Julia's mint cookie ice cream the next day.  Let's just say I'll be sticking with the sliders and fries and beers.
It was then that I realized I lost my keys.  Aka access to all of my life.
Thank god for Leslie because otherwise I would've lost my shit in the middle of downtown Madison on a Friday night.  So we had to forgo getting happily tipsy on the Terrace to retrace our steps.  No luck at either restaurant.  No luck with the two Bus 3's we intercepted.  No luck at the dispatch station where Leslie geeked out about the buses.  (Although I admit if I wasn't in a state of panic, I would've been snapping pictures too.  How often do you get to see where the buses go to sleep?).  And each time, I 85% thought someone would appear before me with my too many colorful rewards cards and the pikachu keychain hanging off a green snap hook.  But each failure had me calculating the cost of replacing car, office, and apartment keys.  As well as trying to convince myself that no thief would be persistent enough to try to unlock every door (vehicular or otherwise) in Madison.  Throw in the brief downpour and my recent financial recklessness...and let the self castigation begin.
PC: Leslie
But luckily in addition to encountering a sweet hostess, a good natured bus driver, and friendly bus dispatch supervisors, we also ended up with the nicest, most helpful cab driver (should've gotten his name, should've tipped him more), who basically talked me through my hectic end-of-work day, so that we ended up back at Babcock... and I had never been so relieved and excited to see my keys sitting so innocently on my desk.
I loathe myself sometimes.

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