Friday, November 9, 2012

carrot pasta

 At $1/kg for carrots, I obviously must always have carrots in my fridge.  But between all the free food and the fact that I don't always have hummus, I end up having to come up with some way to use up a bunch at once (without just gnawing on them raw... because that's so boring.)  Refer.
So this one time, I realized using the peeler to "slice" up the carrots was easier than taking a weak little knife to them.  And the thinner pieces would cook faster than a bunch of chunks.
Well after I sauteed them with some slices of apples, I suddenly thought of Richard Blais's island meal in the all-stars season.  I thought it was absolutely beautiful, no idea why the judges didn't comment on it... or why the comments were edited out.
[...and here comes my favourite, overused segue word] Anywaysssss, I sliced up the rest of my carrots (probs around 5) to get a huge pile of carrot "noodles," which were boiled to soften.
As that was going, I mashed up some canned lentils (99cents/can, can we say NZ roadtrip food?) with some crumbled stale bread, aka bread crumbs, and a spinach ricotta veggie burger I hoarded from one of uni's free bbqs for "meatballs."  Popped those in the fridge to set (because we don't want another disintegrating food issue).
Meanwhile, I tossed the softened "noodles" into a pan with garlic/ginger (would've been better with onions) and to make a sauce without resorting to a can of tomatoes, I beat two eggs with a bit of cream and a dollop of dijon mustard (would've been better with a couple dollops of hummus too) and slowly poured it in carbonara style.
Finally, seared those "meatballs" and tried to artfully arrange them over the "noodles" ... or "spaghetti" rather.
"Spaghetti and meatballs"

Now, what to do with the canned chickpeas and butter beans?

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