Wednesday, June 13, 2012

at this moment in time

 Instead of going home and lying on the couch as I always do when finished with work early, I decided to look for a cafe to read and possibly get my lonely work thoughts onto a Word document.  Stumbled upon Straw Valley Cafe whilst scrolling through one of my dearest friends (Yelp.  Did I mention that my thoughts are terribly lonely?)
Anyways, decided I was still in keeping with my diet as the chai latte is both delicious and 3/4 milk (milk...yogurt...nearly the same thing) and the black bean burger is like a vegetable soup between buns... so a vegetable soup with croutons?  Whatever, dude, it makes sense to me.
 I felt like kind of an idiot walking around looking for the cafe.  Was met by the sound of children playing in the fountain pools (they provide rubber duckies, by the way).  Was probably judged by what I can only assume to be cafe frequenters as they sat underneath the shade of bamboo shoots with their laptops and coffees.
 Vaguely decided that I want my future house to be like this.  Fenced in courtyard.  Open to the air living rooms.  Low to the ground furniture and eclectic chairs and tables.  Stone floors.  [With a big, fat, modern, fully furnished kitchen, herb garden in back and whole cuts of meat hanging in the walk in refrigerator, of course.  Oh and a pool.  Very necessary.] Rustic, artsy atmosphere.  As if I have been momentarily separated from reality... and Durham.
Okay, definitely decided I want my future house to be like this.
I could be in the middle of a raging city, and with the exception of the sound of motorcycles speeding past my backyard, I wouldn't even know.
 Oh yes, and three cabanas.

“I have long believed that it is only right and appropriate that before one sleeps with someone, one should be able – if called upon to do so – to make them a proper omelet in the morning.” 
Anthony Bourdain, Medium Raw

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