Monday, May 29, 2017

trial and mostly error

When you're poor, you kind of realize what you can live without. For me, that was avocado.
I know.
But you have to know that my parents used to get a plastic mesh bag of avocados every time we went to Costco, so I was quite spoiled with the finicky fruit that is the reason I can't afford a house. Except that I never order avocado on toast... still can't afford a house - what am I doing wrong?

There was one time since moving out that I caved and got a mesh of avos. And then the second time since moving out that I caved and got three avos was when they were cheaper than $1 ea on Imperfect. 

But the timing was off because I went off to Seattle before I could comfortably eat three avos. So I looked up ways to preserve them, as kind of a joke, out of boredom.
But hey, turns out you can mash em up with lemon juice and freeze them.
And attempt to make brioche.
avo brioche
adapted from here
I had about 12T of mashed avo so I was at about 3 2/3c flour before beating in the avocado. My logic was not sound because it was kind of a gloopy mess. I added in another 1/3c flour at the end before letting it rise overnight in the fridge.
This was the end result:
I couldn't even shape them, so I just plopped them in rounds in the pan.
And then came out of the oven as one.
It was fine. I took half to work to feed to coworkers who are intrigued by food experiments.
But when I don't like the way bread-like things come out of the oven, I repurpose it into bread pudding or stuffing or thickener or... French toast.
Savory French toast (+dash of fish sauce in the batter). With roasted red kuri squash and scallions.

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