Tuesday, March 22, 2016


This is about reclaiming things. This is about remembering what the 'before' was like.
When summer was just dissolving away and so was my #mood. When I found a way to be simultaneously panicked and relaxed. When despite the draining lifestyle that is grad school and crippling fear that is planning a future, I was just...content.
That's how you wanted me to stay, isn't it?
It's a work in progress. Sometimes you just gotta let things sit. And soak. And permeate. And chill. And pickle. And develop. And ferment.
Like giardiniera.
Okay no fermenting actually happened, but you get the idea.
I like looking at the colors in the metal bowl. With the natural light that I so rarely get to catch because science is a windowless activity apparently. It's like looking into a kaleidoscope. 
Too many colors to stuff into one jar.
Cauliflower for spring and new things.
Radishes for staying guarded.
Carrots for powering through.
Celery for gym therapy.
Red peppers for letting go.
Onions for shameless tears, obviously.
Jalepenos for taking a night off without guilt.
There's nothing more comforting than to hear the words, "I know you." And then to feel like it's probably true. At least, that's what I'd imagine.

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