Wednesday, January 21, 2015


 After all the times I've talked about and been to and obsessed over and craved Buns... here's a picture finally.  Sans fries - those were in my brother's basket, and I did eat more than half of them.  Just as good as I remember it, but probably not the best meal to have before a dentist appointment.  Oh well.
Best veggie burger.  Sometimes I look at it just to torture myself, imagining digging into it without actually being able to.  The next time I'll return to my Southern bubble will be in about a year, and Madison has yet to offer me a suitable replacement.  Audrey, this is your job now (to lead me to a fantastic veggie burger, in case that wasn't clear).
I know it's TV and not really real, but is it a problem that I think Dr. Lecter's meals in Hannibal look really really good?  I mean, I have to put down my fork when he's handling the raw organs, but he definitely knows how to plate the final dish.  I feel like this show could be very damaging for an appreciator of food porn.  Also after revisiting the last season of Dexter, I'm wondering which impulse comes first, the cannibalism or the serial killing?

Here we go, getting back into the groove of class and homework.  No more watching too much TV without responsibility when I get home.  Can't get out of school too soon.

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