Wednesday, August 22, 2012

week five, goodbye

Because I know you all care to hear about what I eat everyday,
the most satisfying part of my afternoon was sucking down a scroll on steroids and chasing it with a mocha, neither of which I would've purchased had my eyelids not become heavy with sleep in class due to my overusing the alotted 1GB of data Uni gives me.  I should not have listened to Youtube whilst studying yesterday.
It was just the largest scroll I've ever seen, and it was desperately calling my name.
Whilst chatting with Izzi, I reignited my craving for cheesecake... or rather my craving for baking a cheesecake, and along with my daily diet, I know you all care to see the very last cheesecake I baked.

Lychee cheesecake with a lychee cherry mascarpone topping and chocolate cake crust.
Just poured some lychee syrup into a standard cheesecake batter.  Mashed up some leftover cupcakes from the Fourth of July.  Reduced some cherries and lychees in their juices, set with gelatin, and folded in 8 oz of mascarpone.
Resulted in a beautiful or frightening (perspective, perspective, perspective) deep lavender color.
Optional: kiss up to boss by driving all the way to school to deliver a couple slices (find out he's long left for China).
 I just remembered that I leaving the US also meant leaving cheap, in-season cherries ($16/kg, fuck no) and watermelon for breakfast every morning.  Nostalgia.  Sadness.  Deep sighs.

I'm surrounded by working people in Baretto, and I feel pretty damn useless blogging about food right now.

This city feels unreal sometimes.  Almost fantastical.  Like I can't believe I live here (temporarily).
Hooray for warmer weather.  Hopefully I didn't just jynx that.
And end of season sales, perhaps?
There was an angry seagull in North Court today.  Like.. the thing was pissed.  And another one tried to pick a fight with a well-dressed man outside the bank probably on a lunch break.  And it finally occurred to me how odd it is that there are sea gulls around campus.
Ultimate test of self control coming up - my tattoo is starting to itch.
I think I'm terribly behind on music; I know I'm terribly behind on TV.  And I don't like it.
I find I often end up sitting next to people who have trouble breathing.  Call it a pet peeve... like slow walkers or construction around campus or both at the same time.
And I could really go for some chips right now.  Or cookies.

Two more days until I see Bernardddddd (you'll be happy to know that I found the shop again and will go buy a sit-on-your-shelf-collecting-dust souvenir as soon as my midterm is over).
(and Kyle and Harry...who don't have magic shops in Melbourne).

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