Sunday, February 14, 2021

candy love

I'm calling this piece 
"Caramel Scraps Mosaic"
Made with lots of platonic love.

Finally got around to making treat bags since the last time I sent out Valentine's to my long distance loves.
Last year or the year before, I rounded up several addresses.... and then did nothing with them. This time, I made 3.5 batches of caramel before inexplicably asking for addresses.
I took a lot of joy scooping up this pile of wrapped candies. It was wildly satisfying.
Included letter [with edits] is as follows:

Raspberry caramels, per The Artful Baker. Because it's just so good. And it's an appropriate red fruit to symbolize this commercial day of love. And I love tart candies. And who doesn't love raspberry? I hope not you. *judges*
Hojicha (roasted green tea) caramel. Honestly my favorite of the batch. Like a milk tea in candy form. Made my entire kitchen smell like hygge. Made with Hojicha Co Hanamitsu loose leaf.
Sakura (cherry blossom) caramel. If you close your eyes and concentrate reeeeeeaaaaaallllllllyyyyyyy hard, you can save yourself a flight and maybe be teleported to cherry blossom season in Japan. Otherwise it's just a normal caramel with a "there's something else in there I think" quality. Made with sakura paste.
Soyu caramel. It came out more hard candy than soft caramel because I reworked it a couple times lol. Made with Mizunara whisky barrel aged shoyu.

I was limited to 15 packages, which was still a scary number for the lady at the post office.
Me: Hi, I have like 15 of these packages to get postage for.
PO lady: You have 15?!?! *clearly was not looking forward to weighing and printing this many labels*
Me: Heh.. ya... they're just like treats for friends.
PO lady: Oh, that's actually sweet.
Luckily the exchange only involved selling me $2 and $1 stamps to affix myself.

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