Monday, October 31, 2016

last night

"For me, loneliness comes from a sense of missing something. I never miss anything when I'm alone." -Kate Christensen, Blue Plate Special
I guess that's not entirely true all the time. Do I need another vacation?

Still missing Copenhagen and Stockholm every night. And the fact that I experienced the entire range of lodging from broke ass student in a hostel with five other dudes to privileged young person sprawled across a queen bed in a fancy hotel. Last night in Denmark spent in this modern lego Marriott.
Exploring a new city is nice and necessary and all. But so is lounging and soaking in the extravagance. The silver ceiling balls, the spiral staircase, the pre-evening lighting.
The last dinner of rye bread with fish on top. The last glass of elderflower liquor (with sparkling wine). The last dessert with licorice.
Laks rørt med friske krydderurter på grillet rugbrød med avocado, wasabi, agurk og karse
Salmon rilette with fresh herbs on grilled rye bread with avocado, wasabi, cucumber, and cress
Rabarber kompot med yoghurtsorbet, mælkemousse, tørret yoghurt og rålakrids
Rhubarb compote with yogurt sorbet, milk mousse and licorice
You know you're tipsy when you pass a wall of mirrors and think, "That girl kinda looks like me." And then forget you taped x's over your nipples to go braless and scare yourself when you undress later.
The last 16 hr day of daylight. 

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