Sunday, July 12, 2015

we celebrate by eating excessively

We interrupt my semi-regular scheduled postings of my first romp around Europe because Amy's 23.
You know it's been so long since these meals happened that I'm not even sure I could figure out what they were.

Pintxos con pan, paella, flatbread, and wings at Taberna Tapas.  I do remember I enjoyed it a bit more than Mateo though.  Roasted red peppers happened, a large portobello cap happened, some shrimp.  And spiciness.  Mmm, Madison needs a good tapas bar.
Roasted pork with plantains and dulce de leche cake at Gregoria's Cuban Steakhouse.  Thumbs up to the cake, but I recall the meat being on the tougher side.
So happiest of birthdays to the girl I talk to more than I would a boyfriend.  Thanks for talking me through all my recent freak-outs.  Counting down the days until we're in close enough proximity to resume our exploration of new restaurants while talking about existential crises and the humans/things we don't understand.  Hope you have another exciting/interesting/mind boggling year of figuring things out... and binge eating delicious foods before med school - I'm always here to listen and be jealous of your pictures.
P.S. "see the mythical Midwest" needs to be on your bucket list.

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